Professional Headshot Essentials

You need a professional headshot to represent your personal brand.  Before you have your photos done, it is a good idea to answer the following FIVE questions: What is your message?  Do you need to look older, younger, more trustworthy or knowledgeable?  Think about your personal brand and what it represents. Where do you need to…

Dance Photo Shoot Experience

Amelia came into the studio recently for a dance photo shoot.  She has just been accepted into a top London ballet school and wanted to have a ballet dance shoot. Dancers make everything appear so effortless, but dance shoots are hard work!  To capture that one perfect dance image might take twenty takes.  The dancer…

Professional Headshots

I love doing professional headshots, either for stage or business. Working so closely with one person for about an hour and helping them find their best side, working out their personality and helping them to create their personal brand feels like a privilege. We get a huge variety of subjects into the studio ranging from…

What Makes a Good School Photo?

Lighting. Making a child feel comfortable. Lighting. Body position. Lighting Here at Carmel Jane Photography, we are offering a New Direction in School Photography. Using our expertise in head shot photography we are creating stunning school photos that parents want to buy and students can be proud of. By ustalizing top end lighting and camera…